Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yard bed

Started a new fun project today. All I needed was two big pallets. A great cozy area and some log rounds. Now I need to shopping for some adorable outdoor friendly bedding. Can't wait to go shopping

Monday, February 20, 2012

Up coming reveals!

I have one project that isn't finished yet, that I am waiting for a dry day to finish..It's a ladder plant stand. I am going to have the kids help me with splattering it with paint and using colored pots, of beautiful flowers down the steps. Can't wait for it to be complete!!

Then I created a darling decoration for a friends upcoming wedding. Her wedding is on St. patty's day so holding off until after her big day to reveal that one. LOVE it though!! Totally adorable, turned out better then I thought.

I will keep you all posted!

Been away for a while....I'm back!

Hey guys and gals~
So I was away for a while, been spending all my free time on the kiddo's. I am making time once again to make some beautiful items. Having a blast spent all day, making all kinds of things yesterday. Got up bright and early to hit Michaels and get things I need for my day of creating.

Here are some of the things I made yesterday, Let me know what you think!
I took them with my phone I apologize!!

I am in the process of redecorating my daughter's nursery into a toddler room. It is hot pink/ light pink and zebra!! I had a old clock laying around for years and though?????? Why not!
This is what I came up with!

I had this adorable old doily my grandma handed down to me forever ago..and wasn't really my style for my table. So Glued them on to some jar's and through some tea lights in them. Here is 2 I made last night.